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Monday, July 2, 2012

Caffeine Increases Muscle Strength in Elderly

A new study presented at the Society for Experimental Biology meeting on June 30, 2012 showed that caffeine boosts the muscle strength of elderly, suggesting a reduction of falls and injuries. 

For adults in their prime, caffeine helps muscles to produce more force.  As we age, our muscles naturally change and become weaker. Sports scientists at Coventry University looked for the first time at whether these age-related changes in muscle would alter the effect of caffeine. They found that caffeine continued to enhance muscle performance in two different muscles from mice, although it was less effective in older muscles. 

Jason Tallis, the study's primary author, said: "Despite a reduced effect in the elderly, caffeine may still provide performance-enhancing benefits. With the importance of maintaining a physically active lifestyle to preserve health and functional capacity, the performance-enhancing benefit of caffeine could prove beneficial in the aging population."

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