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Monday, July 2, 2012

Tai Chi Might Help Prevent Dementia

Tai Chi, the gentle ancient Chinese mind-body workout derived from martial arts, might have yet another unaccounted benefit: Increasing the size of the brain – possibly even preventing dementia.  

Chinese seniors who practiced Tai Chi three times a week, increased their brain size and improving their test scores on memory tests according to a study by the University of Florida and Fudan University in Shanghai published this week in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.

“The Tai-Chi group in the study displayed brain growth of 1 percent over the period of eight months measured through MRIs” said the lead researcher James Mortimer, a USF Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. “How exactly that growth occurred and whether genetics or other factors played a role requires further research” he added.

Tai chi has been investigated for its positive impact on cognitive function, but this new report is the first to look at brain volume, he said.

Healthy Eating Tips For Seniors

Remember the old saying, you are what you eat? Try to make it your motto. When you eat a variety of colorful fruits and veggies, whole grains, and lean proteins you’ll feel vibrant and healthy, inside and out.

For seniors, the benefits of a healthy eating habit include mental alertness, resistance to illness, increased energy levels and faster recuperation times. As we get older, eating healthy can also be the key to a positive attitude and keeping emotionally balanced. But healthy eating doesn’t have to be dieting and sacrificing. Eating well is all about fresh, colorful food and creativity in the kitchen:

Choose to eat whole fruits over fruit juices as they contain more fiber and vitamins. The darker the greens, the more antioxidants they contain. Greens such as kale, spinach and broccoli are excellent sources. Orange vegetables such as carrots, squash and yams are also very vitamin-rich. Try to eat 2 cups of veggies every day.

Calcium is imperative for maintaining healthy bones and warding off osteoporosis and bone fractures. Seniors need around 1200mg per day. Milk and dairy products such as yogurt and cheese are excellent sources. You can also get your daily calcium fix through non-dairy sources such as broccoli, almonds, kale and tofu.

When it comes to carbs, choose whole grains over processed white flour products for more fiber and nutrients. Try to add whole grain breads and pasta products to your diet.

Protein is very important for maintaining muscle mass. The human body starts to gradually lose muscle mass starting at the age of 30. Seniors need about 0.5 grams per pound of bodyweight. Simply divide your bodyweight in half to know how many grams you need.  Fish, beans, peas, nuts, eggs, milk, cheese, and seeds are all excellent sources of protein.

As we know, the human body is mainly composed of water. Seniors are prone to dehydration because our sense of thirst dulls as we age.  Add little sticky-notes to your apartment reminding you to sip on your water every hour to avoid chronic dehydration.  Drinking sufficient water is also important to avoid constipation and maintaining a healthy digestion.

Try to avoid hidden sugars. Many canned and processed products contain hidden sugars. Make yourself familiar and check the labels for different terms for sugar such as corn syrup, molasses, brown rice syrup, cane juice, fructose, sucrose, dextrose, or maltose.

Avoid too much salt: Often taste and smell diminishes as we age. Seniors tend to lose the ability to taste salty flavors and therefore tend to add too much salt to compensate. Try to use other spices, herbs and healthy oils such as olive oil to season your food.

Cook smart: The best way to prepare veggies is by steaming or sautéing in olive oil to preserve its nutrients.

Caffeine Increases Muscle Strength in Elderly

A new study presented at the Society for Experimental Biology meeting on June 30, 2012 showed that caffeine boosts the muscle strength of elderly, suggesting a reduction of falls and injuries. 

For adults in their prime, caffeine helps muscles to produce more force.  As we age, our muscles naturally change and become weaker. Sports scientists at Coventry University looked for the first time at whether these age-related changes in muscle would alter the effect of caffeine. They found that caffeine continued to enhance muscle performance in two different muscles from mice, although it was less effective in older muscles. 

Jason Tallis, the study's primary author, said: "Despite a reduced effect in the elderly, caffeine may still provide performance-enhancing benefits. With the importance of maintaining a physically active lifestyle to preserve health and functional capacity, the performance-enhancing benefit of caffeine could prove beneficial in the aging population."