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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Just Walk!

Walking is one of the most important activities you can do daily. This is why Pacifica's Wilmington Senior Living community has started a "Walkin' & Wheelin'" club. The club offers residents the opportunity to exercise 3 times a week! Oprah has said, "America would cease to be obese if we would walk just 20 minutes a day!"

 (Some of our faithful walkers!)

According to the Mayo foundation for Medical Education and Research, walking:
  • helps decrease the risk of having a heart attack. 
  • helps reduce the risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes. 
  • helps to control weight. 
  • strengthens your heart and lungs. 
Walking is one of the simplest and safest exercises you can do. Being consistent in your walking exercise routine is one of the most important factors in developing a healthy physical activity program. Research has shown that people who walk approximately 20-25 minutes per day outlive those who don't walk, by several years!

So, start walkin'! And if you can't walk then start wheelin'.